Resources and information like applications and forms.

Cannabis and alcohol special inspections are only required for initial startup, any construction or alteration to the building, sale of business, or if the use of the building changes. A building permit application must be completed with this additional completed form. A Land Use permit will also be required.

As of November 2023, annual renewals for cannabis and alcohol licenses are no longer required.

Please note that you will need to download the PDF document for best results. Some features will not work when filling out this form in a browser. Use Acrobat Reader installed locally for best results.


Pre-Engineered Plans

Save time and money with pre-engineered plans! The Missoula County Building Division understands many residents want a streamlined way to build or improve their properties. By offering pre-engineered plans, we’re providing a cost-effective, efficient and accessible solution that helps people start their projects quickly, without compromising on safety or code compliance.

We want Missoula County to be a place where home improvement is accessible, affordable and fast. Pre-engineered plans help county staff simplify the permitting process while saving residents time and money. Click here to learn more.

The following plans are available to download:

External Links & Resources